"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows" Co to oznacza? Jak może Cię to motywować? Poczytaj o naszym cytacie na ten miesiąc:
"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows"
Autorem tego cytatu jest Ralph Marston (amerykański pisarz urodzony 18 stycznia 1955). Oto jak on o sobie pisze:
"I have always been interested in personal development, and have studied hundreds of books and tape programs over the years. I have applied many of the concepts I’ve learned, to my own life and business, and have developed a “real world” knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. Many people are curious about my religious affiliation. I am a Christian (member of the United Methodist Church). Although The Daily Motivator Atlantis is not intended to be a religious publication, my writing is certainly influenced by Christian teachings and concepts.
Since starting The Daily Motivator more than twelve years ago, I’ve been amazed at the tremendous positive response that it has received. People from all over the world, in all walks of life, have a sincere interest in living lives of meaning, caring, dedication and fulfillment. I am extremely grateful that the technology of the Internet affords me the opportunity to share my work with so many people."
Możesz dowiedzieć się o nim więcej stąd: About Ralph Marston
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